Freely available and open access sources

  • Google Scholar - search records and full text of study materials across multiple disciplines
  • OpenAIRE - platform for open publishing of documents and scientific data generated within the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme for Research


Repositories and digital libraries

  • The Directory of Open Access Repositories  - directory of institutional repositories with freely available content from all over the world
  • Repository66 - map of institutional repositories around the world with freely available content.
  • Registry of Open Access Repositories - search records from institutional and disciplinary repositories
  • Národní úložiště šedé literatury - technically oriented sources from Czech Republic, especially from Czech universities and the Academy of Science
  • arXiv - disciplinary repository for mathematics, physics, technology and engineering; has over 700,000 documents
  • RePEc  - digital library maintained by volunteers that is focused on economics
  • Digital Mathematic Library - a collection of freely available documents from Czech Republic focused on mathematics; offers both record and full text
  • GitHub - source codes repository


Catalogues a information gateways - bibliographic references searching

Norms, patents

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