doc. Ing.
Radek Knoflíček
FME, IPMSR DRR – Associate professor
+420 54114 2474, +420 54114 3410
Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 6/1986, MSc., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT Brno, Design of machining and forming machines with focus on industrial robots and manipulators
- 3/1996, PhD., FME BUT Brno, Design and process engineering
- 5/2000, Assoc. Prof., FME BUT Brno, Design and process engineering
Career overview
- 1986-1990, designer of robotized workplaces, VUKOV Prešov (SK), detached research and development place in Brno (CZ)
- 1990-2000, lecturer (asistant), FME, BUT Brno
- 2000-up to present time, Associate Professor, FME, BUT Brno
Pedagogic activities
- Design machines and devices for industrial production - long life courses in Institute of forensic engineering BUT Brno
Scientific activities
- Developing, research, project and design, prototypes production of mobile robots of universities construction and applications
University activities
- 2003-up to present time, deputy head of Institute of production machines, systems and robotics, FME BUT Brno
- 2000-2006, vicedean for external relations, FME BUT Brno
- 2006-up to present time, study vicedean, FME BUT Brno