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Webinars for publishing in IEEE

We invite you to attend two webinars that will help you to publish your professional text not only in IEEE.

Key Points to Getting Published: Behind the Scenes with IEEE

Deciding where to publish your research can be difficult. It is better to write an article or a contribution to a proceedings or both? Do you know for example, what peer review, ORCID, and predatory journals are? In this webinar, you'll get an insight into the publishing process, including tips for choosing appropriate journal or conference, learn why editors or reviewers reject papers or what to do to get your make your article/paper stand out.

Publishing open access articles with the IEEE

A webinar for those who would like to learn more about publishing in open access journals or conference proceedings and increase visibility and impact of your research.

Both webinars will be held in English and are free of charge. Links will be sent to registrants no later than the day before the event.

Published: 2023-04-24

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/uk/f29435/d240767

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