Course detail
Business Laboratory
FP-PLABAcad. year: 2022/2023
The aim of the course is to provide students with basic information and knowledge about private business and to teach them how to apply this information when setting up their own small business, which will operate in IT, web and mobile applications.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Skills: Specialize students and give them enough skills to set up and manage their own small business.
Competence: The student will be competent for their own business in IT, web and mobile applications.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Awarding the course-unit credit: The following conditions are required for granting the credit:
• Active participation in seminars will be checked and evaluated by the teacher - max. 100 points.
• Processing and defending a semester work at a specified date - 100 points.
Reasons for not granting credit !!:
• not submitting work in time
• more than one absence
• not presenting the business plan.
The final test is required for successful completion of the course.
The written test will be mainly based on the information provided in the Scripts of Small Business for Full-Time Study. Furthermore, the written test will include questions from lectures and exercises. Questions will be both open and closed and 2 examples. Students must obtain at least 50% of points from the written test. If the student does not get at least 50% of the points in the 1st term, he / she can write a corrective written test. The written test is an obligatory part for successful completion of the course.
Course curriculum
1. Introduction to small business, history, basic concepts, definitions, facts.
2. Setting up a small business step by step.
3. Business model of a small company.
4. Choosing a business entity, advantages and disadvantages. Establishment location.
5. Business plan and strategy, small business growth model, stage and crisis.
6. Management of small enterprise resources, limited marketing, financial aspects, starting capital.
7. Exit of a small company, insolvency law.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
CROLL, Alistair; YOSKOVITZ, Benjamin; JUREK, Viktor. Lean analýza: využijte data k rychlejšímu vybudování lepšího start-upu. BizBooks, 2016. (CS)
KORÁB, V. a V. BUMBEROVÁ. Drobné podnikání. Brno: CERM, 2014, 65 s. ISBN 80-214-2651-9.
Maurya Ash. LEAN PODNIKÁNÍ. Přejděte od plánu A k plánu, který funguje. BizBooks, 2016. ISBN 978-80-265-0506-8. (CS)
Osterwalder, A. a kolektiv. Tvorba business modelů: příručka pro vizionáře, inovátory a všechny, co se nebojí výzev. 2. vydání. BizBooks, 2015, 278 stran. ISBN 978-80-265-0425-2. (CS)
Ries, Eric. Lean startup: jak budovat úspěšný byznys na základě neustálé inovace. BizBooks, 2015. (CS)
SRPOVÁ, J. V. ŘEHOŘ a kol. Základy podnikání. Teoretické poznatky, příklady a zkušenosti českých podnikatelů. Praha: Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3339-5.
STAŇKOVÁ, A. Podnikáme úspěšně s malou formou. 1. vydání. Praha: C. H. BECK pro praxi. 2007. 199 s. ISBN 978-80-7179-926-9.
VEBER, J., SRPOVÁ, J. a kol. Podnikání malé a střední firmy. Praha: Grada, 2005. ISBN 80-247-1069-2.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction to small business, history, basic concepts, definitions, facts.
2. Setting up a small business step by step.
3. Business model of a small company.
4. Choosing a business entity, advantages and disadvantages. Establishment location.
5. Business plan and strategy, small business growth model, stage and crisis.
6. Management of small enterprise resources, limited marketing, financial aspects, starting capital.
7. Exit of a small company, insolvency law.
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction, semestral work.
2. Establishment of a small enterprise - Stage I: Feasibility study.
3. Knowing yourself.
4. Identification of areas of opportunity. Choosing and evaluating business opportunities.
5. Establishing a small business - Stage II: Market entry path.
6. Selection of suitable forms for small business.
7. Establishment of a small enterprise - Stage III: Business model and miniplan.
8. Resource management in a small company. Small Business Marketing Plan.
9. Financial plan.
10. Presentation of semestral works.
11. Presentation of semestral works.
12. Presentation of semestral works.
13. Credit.