Course detail
Design of Data Networks
FEKT-BPC-PDSAcad. year: 2022/2023
The PC network layout, basics of the LAN networks, Ethernet, Wi- Fi, ARCNet, Token Ring, Token, Bus, AnyLAN, FDDI, ATM.
PC network topology and access method. Active network resources: HUB, switch, router. Transmission paths.
Projected documentation at design of the data network. Structured cabling systems. Methodology for measuring and evaluation of data parameters of fixed electronic communications networks.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
70 count - test in last semester
Course curriculum
1. PC network layout, basics of the LAN networks, types of the LAN networks and its standarts, Ethernet, Wi-fi, ARCNet, Token Ring, Token, Bus, AnyLAN, FDDI, ATM. Programs for creating data schemes, Spider-fiber, Spider-tel, Autocad electrical, choose of the programe for given design.
2. PC network topology and access method, bus topology, star topology, circular topology, polynom topology, access method csma/cd, access method csma/ca.
3. Active network resources: HUB, switch, router, choose of the suitable element of the network.
4. Ethernet on the twisted pair, required structured cabeling, ethernet on optical cables, Wi- Fi.
5. Transmission paths: coaxial cables, coaxial cable types, shared medium basic and broad band coaxial cable, shielded and unshielded twisted pair, color markings, insulation parts, affecting of the topology of networks using a twisted pair.
6. Transmission paths: optical fibers types, cables with tight secondary protection, cables with free secondary protection, optic cables category, choosing of the suitable optical cable, cable construction, insulation and its coloring, optical cables marking.
7. Projected documentation at design of the data network.
8. Structured cabling systems, basic standards layout of the structured cabling, construction of the structured cabling systems, cabling category, cabling choosing, class of optical cables, office space, socket, socket standards.
9.Standards and norms in cable system: documentation, classification of environments for channels, Building routes, Centralized fiber optic cabling, Fiber-optic risks, cable installation procedures, Installation procedure, Cable fiber optic cable procedures.
10. Cable termination: connections and connectors, types of optical connectors, compact connectors, connector marking, terminal blocks for termination, fiber optic terminals, patch panels, connecting cables, user connectors.
11. Fiber bending, micro / macro bends, standard G.657, basic geometric, transmission and mechanical parameters for fibers with reduced bending sensitivity, A / B specification, opto-metric transducer, multiplex wdm, microtubule principle.
12. Centralized cabling, benefits, problems.
13. Methodology for measurement and evaluation of data parameters of fixed electronic communications networks. Methodology, choice of measurement method, procedure in error states, measuring scenarios, capacity verification, stability verification.
Practice content:
1. AutoCAD Electrical - basics of operation, icon menu, work with command prompt.
2. Drawing creation, Project Properties, Drawing Properties, specification of components, number cables, cross reference, style, drawing format.
3. Project settings, library choosing, real- time errors controlling, searching in catalog, switching between sequential and license tags, description text.
4. Wire Numbers, cable types settings, sequential or license switching, wire types, layers setting, location of cable designation, definition of main routes.
5. Cross-references, selection cross-reference format, select cross-reference components for text, graphics, and panels. Styles: Select the style of arrows, PLCs, cables, and so on; Adding or removing layers.
6. Drawing Format: orientation, spacing, value sizes; Format (X-Y Grid, X); scale; Arrangement of wires and cables. Using exchange parameters. Own project, Libraries - IEC library installation (European standard).
7.-13. Work assignment, work, evaluation of the project.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
HEŘMAN, J., TRINKEWITZ, Z. a kolektiv autorů: Elektrotechnické a telekomunikační instalace. Dashöfer Holding, Ltd. a Verlag Dashöfer, nakladatelství, s.r.o. ISDN 80-86897-06-0 (CS)
Metodika pro měření a vyhodnocení datových parametrů pevných sítí elektronických komunikací. Český telekomunikační úřad. parametrů pevných sítí elektronických komunikací (CS)
Příručka pro projektování, montáž a instalaci, Siemens (CS)
Vymětal, D.: Informační systémy v podnicích, teorie a praxe projektování. Grada : Praha, 2009 (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. PC network layout, basics of the LAN networks, types of the LAN networks and its standarts, Ethernet, Wi-fi, ARCNet, Token Ring, Token, Bus, AnyLAN, FDDI, ATM. Programs for creating data schemes, Spider-fiber, Spider-tel, Autocad electrical, choose of the programe for given design.
2. PC network topology and access method, bus topology, star topology, circular topology, polynom topology, access method csma/cd, access method csma/ca.
3. Active network resources: HUB, switch, router, choose of the suitable element of the network.
4. Ethernet on the twisted pair, required structured cabeling, ethernet on optical cables, Wi- Fi.
5. Transmission paths: coaxial cables, coaxial cable types, shared medium basic and broad band coaxial cable, shielded and unshielded twisted pair, color markings, insulation parts, affecting of the topology of networks using a twisted pair.
6. Transmission paths: optical fibers types, cables with tight secondary protection, cables with free secondary protection, optic cables category, choosing of the suitable optical cable, cable construction, insulation and its coloring, optical cables marking.
7. Projected documentation at design of the data network.
8. Structured cabling systems, basic standards layout of the structured cabling, construction of the structured cabling systems, cabling category, cabling choosing, class of optical cables, office space, socket, socket standards.
9.Standards and norms in cable system: documentation, classification of environments for channels, Building routes, Centralized fiber optic cabling, Fiber-optic risks, cable installation procedures, Installation procedure, Cable fiber optic cable procedures.
10. Cable termination: connections and connectors, types of optical connectors, compact connectors, connector marking, terminal blocks for termination, fiber optic terminals, patch panels, connecting cables, user connectors.
11. Fiber bending, micro / macro bends, standard G.657, basic geometric, transmission and mechanical parameters for fibers with reduced bending sensitivity, A / B specification, opto-metric transducer, multiplex wdm, microtubule principle.
12. Centralized cabling, benefits, problems.
13. Methodology for measurement and evaluation of data parameters of fixed electronic communications networks. Methodology, choice of measurement method, procedure in error states, measuring scenarios, capacity verification, stability verification.
Practice content:
1. AutoCAD Electrical - basics of operation, icon menu, work with command prompt.
2. Drawing creation, Project Properties, Drawing Properties, specification of components, number cables, cross reference, style, drawing format.
3. Project settings, library choosing, real- time errors controlling, searching in catalog, switching between sequential and license tags, description text.
4. Wire Numbers, cable types settings, sequential or license switching, wire types, layers setting, location of cable designation, definition of main routes.
5. Cross-references, selection cross-reference format, select cross-reference components for text, graphics, and panels. Styles: Select the style of arrows, PLCs, cables, and so on; Adding or removing layers.
6. Drawing Format: orientation, spacing, value sizes; Format (X-Y Grid, X); scale; Arrangement of wires and cables. Using exchange parameters. Own project, Libraries - IEC library installation (European standard).
7.-13. Work assignment, work, evaluation of the project.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
Drawing, Project Properties, Drawing Properties, component specifications, number of cables, cross reference, style, drawing format.
Project Settings, library ranges, real-time error checking, catalog search, sequential and license switching, description text.
Wire Numbers, cable type setting, sequential or license switching wire types, layer settings, location of cable designation, definition of main routes.
Cross-references, cross-reference format selection, selection of cross-reference components for text, graphics, and panels. Styles: Select the style of arrows, PLCs, cables, and so on; adding or removing layers.
Drawing Format: orientation, spacing, value size; format (X-Y Grid, X); scale; arrangement of wires and cables. Using exchange parameters.
Own project, Libraries - IEC library installation (European standard).
Project assignment
Project work
Project evaluation