Course detail
Analog Electronics 2
FEKT-BPC-AE2Acad. year: 2022/2023
This course improves and extends gained knowledge from Analog electronics 1 in the area of practical analog circuit design and brings an amount of new areas that are essential for designers of analog electronic circuits. The circuits for signal shaping, basic transistor building blocks (current mirrors, differential pairs), design of single stage transistor amplifiers (including bias point), switching applications, guidelines of practical work with operational amplifiers and their specific nonstandard applications, comparative operations, flip-flop circuits and multivibrators, circuits for signal generation, etc. belong to the fundamental skills of bachelor students focused on weak current electronics. The solved examples at lectures are supported by computer (OrCAD PSpice, Snap, Matlab) and laboratory exercises.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Diode shapers, limiters and their applications
3. Practical features of basic bipolar junction transistors and unipolar transistors based building blocks (current mirror, differential pair, operational amplifier)
4. Design of simple amplification stages with bipolar junction transistor and unipolar transistor (parameters and bias point)
5. Bipolar junction transistor and unipolar transistor based power switches
6. Guidelines for practical work with operational amplifiers (parasitic behavior, parasitic features and protection)
7. Analog comparators (suitable active elements, typical topologies and design)
8. Operational amplifiers in selected applications
9. Discrete and integrated flip-flop circuits (transistor-based bistable, monostable and astable version, NE555, another active elements)
10. Design of tunable single- and multi-phase oscillators
11. Design of tunable non-sinusoidal waveform generators
12. Additional principles of signal generation (noise, heterodyne, phase locked loop)
13. Modern active elements for design of analog circuits and examples of applications
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
VOBECKÝ, J.; ZÁHLAVA, V. Elektronika - součástky a obvody, principy a příklady. Praha: Grada, 2005. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Diode shapers, limiters and their applications
3. Practical features of basic bipolar junction transistors and unipolar transistors based building blocks (current mirror, differential pair, operational amplifier)
4. Design of simple amplification stages with bipolar junction transistor and unipolar transistor (parameters and bias point)
5. Bipolar junction transistor and unipolar transistor based power switches
6. Guidelines for practical work with operational amplifiers (parasitic behavior, parasitic features and protection)
7. Analog comparators (suitable active elements, typical topologies and design)
8. Operational amplifiers in selected applications
9. Discrete and integrated flip-flop circuits (transistor-based bistable, monostable and astable version, NE555, another active elements)
10. Design of tunable single- and multi-phase oscillators
11. Design of tunable non-sinusoidal waveform generators
12. Additional principles of signal generation (noise, heterodyne, phase locked loop)
13. Modern active elements for design of analog circuits and examples of applications
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Calculations in basic transistor-based building blocks (current mirror, differential pair, operational amplifier) and design of simple amplification stages with bipolar junction transistor and unipolar transistor
3. Bipolar junction transistor and unipolar transistor-based power switches and design of comparators (topologies, thresholds)
4. Design of flip-flop circuits and applications of NE555
5. Design of tunable oscillators and waveform generators
6. Design of phase locked loop
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Diode shapers and limiters
3. Simple amplification stages with unipolar transistor (parameters and bias point)
4. Bipolar junction transistor and unipolar transistor based power switches
5. Analog comparators (suitable active elements, typical topologies and design)
6. Discrete and integrated flip-flop circuits (transistor-based bistable, monostable and astable version, NE555)
7. Principles of signal generation I (tunable oscillators and waveform generators)
8. Principles of signal generation II (RF, noise, synthesis)
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Unipolar transistor-based amplifiers
3. Parameters of transistor switches
4. Analog comparators and their applications
5. Discrete flip-flop circuits and NE555
6. Harmonic oscillators
7. Discrete and integrated generators of waveforms
8. Principles of RF signal generation