Daytime teaching at BUT is cancelled from March 11, 2020 until further notice
Brno University of Technology in response to the emergency measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic has cancelled daytime teaching from March 11, 2020 until further notice. Teaching at the University of the Third Age and the BUT Junior Technical University is also cancelled. Likewise, according to the announcement of the State Security Council, the announced social events, such as faculty balls, will not take place. Further to the Deans' decision, the study will be replaced by a distance form (e.g. webinars, internet presentations, on-line lectures, individual on-line consultations, etc.). There will also be no lessons in smaller teams, i.e. in studios or laboratories.
Also the university libraries will be closed and there will be no sports activities at the school's sports grounds. However, the university buildings will not be closed because employees will continue going to work. They will also be provided with the catering possibilities. Furthermore, the Rector recommends not approving (or canceling) travel orders of employees who should travel to risk areas.
"Our priority is to enable students graduating this year to complete their studies properly and on time. The way of organization of the final exams will be decided well in advance," the Rector of BUT Petr Štěpánek said. We continue to monitor the situation, and the measures may change over time. Please follow the school's website and social networks.
The BUT Crisis Staff appointed RNDr. Mgr. Daniela Dvorská as the contact person for the spread of coronavirus, who you can contact in case of any questions ( or 778 790 510).
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